If you’re going to be sending out some comms to your clients or internal team here are a couple of quick tips:
- Start your message out positive
- Keep your message calm but not dull
- Make it clear what you’re asking them to do, if anything. (It might be info only, tips and tricks, book a call to discuss revised budgets etc)
- Make it easy for them to connect with you – skype/zoom details/links, contact numbers
- Include as much information as you need to on your update, but no more. Many are overwhelmed
- It can be a time for some industries to over-communicate, even daily, and others it might be just one or two updates over the journey
- Tailor content to the industry if required, to increase the intimacy of the information
Most importantly send personal emails, text messages and phone calls, when a mass update is not required. The personal touch of checking in and making sure those important to you are well, will be long remembered…