Kamac Contracting- specialists in cultivation and drilling in Mid Canterbury…

Kamac Contracting- specialists in cultivation and drilling in Mid Canterbury.

JFM’s Story Scroll websites are quick, smart websites that provide all the information at a glance. JFM has recently launched a Story Scroll website for Kamac Contracting a business specialising in cultivation and drilling in Mid Canterbury. The brief to JFM was to create a website that was clean and aligned with their professional customer service and exposed their full range of services, as well as been easy to navigate and clearly showcase the machinery Kamac Contracting offer.

In order to meet the need of Kamac Contracting’s brief to deliver an easy to navigate website, we knew the best website option for Kamac Contracting was JFM’s Story Scroll website. One of the biggest advantages of JFM’s Story Stroll websites is that everything the customer needs is in one place at their fingertips. Kamac Contracting’s clients want all the information relevant to them to be in one place, and with our Story Scroll website Kamac Contracting’s clients do not have to navigate between different pages on the website as it is all on the first and only page.

JFM’s Story Scroll website still has the key features of any other website for example scrolling staff profiles, latest news, contact map, contact form, price table, supplier/ partners showcase and videos. One of the key points in Kamac Contracting’s briefing was the need to clearly showcase their gear. This is where the video function on the JFM Story Scroll came into play. Video is a great way to showcase any type of machinery working.

Click here to view Kamac Contracting’s fresh new website.

Genesis Private Equity Limited

Genesis Private Equity Limited

Genesis Private Equity Limited (GPEL) is a serious business specialising in serious business.

Founded by highly respected commercial finance professionals Kieran O’Hagan and Nathan Mills, GPEL establishes a success elevator between private investors and small to medium enterprises by deploying a unique package of equity capital and the real-world commercial acumen of GPEL Directors and Shareholders through precisely structured limited partnership models.

JFM loves the challenge of delivering work which meets the high standards of a leader in a particular field, and our relationship with Kieran and Nathan is no exception. Not only have we been privileged to learn about their incredible depth of experience in the financial sector and their ambition for GPEL as a trusted business promise, but we’ve also been inspired by the esteemed and affable personalities behind the brand.

As a result, we’ve worked closely with Kieran and Nathan to create a brand identity and marketing collateral which we think reflects their gravitas as commercial finance advisors but also their ability to connect with individual people on a very human, very rewarding level. The more we understood about Kieran and Nathan and the GPEL promise, the more we realized that the brand offers a truly unique blend of investment, strategic advice and inspired leadership which we felt was best summed up by saying “GPEL realizes business potential”.

Please feel free to meet Kieran O’Hagan and Nathan Mills and view our latest work by visiting their website www.gpel.co.nz


Veehof Dairy Services Ltd – a company leading the way in hoof care!

Veehof Dairy Services Ltd – a company setting the standard in New Zealand Hoof Care.

It has been with great pleasure to work along side Sandy & Fred Hoekstra to launch their fresh new website last week.  When Veehof asked JFM to design and build a new website for their business, the brief was to create a website that was fresh and aligned with their professional customer service and product offering, which they’ve come to be known for. 

One of the first steps of a website build is the wire framing of the site (how will each page look and feel, what information will we put in front of a customer at any point in time, how can we engage them further with a product, service or our brand promise) this ultimately creates the conversion path to sale or contact.

For Veehof, this meant three key areas of focus; ease of navigation, a platform for education and information sharing along with a product showcase. Providing farmers and Veterinarians a website experience which makes building their own Wopa Cattle Crush (Standard, Mobile, Pro and Pro+) with all the bells and whistles (20 plus add-on’s) was a challenge our creative team were up for.  Our approach to communicating all the important points like always, centred on the end goal goal in mind; building brand awareness and contributing towards business performance without forgetting the addage features tell, benefits sell.  

The website forms one cog of a much larger wheel for Veehof.   Their website is also used as an information and application portal for their ever popular one-day workshops and advanced courses.  With website data connected to a series of cloud based software integrations, this enables streamlined communication, registration and administration processes with course participants from throughout New Zealand; a key ingredient in striving to gain operational efficiencies and enhancing the customer experience. 

Consumers are becoming more educated about a product or service before purchasing decisions are made; all the information in the world, is at their finger tips.  What does it take to make B2C or B2B interactions more timely and more relevant than the competition? It can often mean changing the perspective at which we look at our businesses; it takes courage to innovate.  Price will always be a consideration, but by demonstrating a business understands what’s important in the lives of their consumer it shows they’re more relevant, responsive, and connected.  

If you have a moment, feel free to connect with Veehof and browse around their webiste – www.veehof.co.nz


How to avoid your customer visiting the website of a competitor?

How to avoid your customer visiting the website of a competitor?

61% of people who used their mobile devise to visit a website that was not optimized for mobile, visited the website of a competitor.

Studies have shown that the number of mobile users now exceeds the number of desktop users and on average people are spending two hours per day on their mobile device.

To accommodate for this shift in user behavior, Google have announced they will be changing their mobile search algorithm on 21st April 2015. This change will see only mobile optimised websites appear in the top results for searches made on mobile devices.

Click here to read more about Google’s mobile search changes.


That does it mean for your website?

If your website is not responsive for mobile devices it will no longer be prioritised in Google search results when using a mobile device. This will mean a decrease in the opportunities you have to get visitors to your website.

There’s so much to be said for making it easy for consumers to do business with you; make sure you’re doing all you can, to entice them to make contact with you before your competitor. If you would like to find out more, call Jo or Hannah on 03 308 6272, they’ll talk through what a responsive website might mean for your business.


Achieving a high standard of building excellence for the last four generations…

McIntosh Builders

Achieving a high standard of building excellence for the last four generations, whether it is agricultural, educational, residential, or commercial, McIntosh Group have it covered.

JFM has recently completed two websites for the McIntosh Group companies, McIntosh Builders & McIntosh PreCast. These slick websites are built responsive, so view well on your phone or tablet, and have specialised restricted access sections to the website for suppliers to view project details, deadlines and guidelines, while also being able to upload their tenders for consideration. Check them out via www.mcintoshgroup.co.nz

A new website for farmers – Farmlinks

A new website for farmers – Farmlinks

We have recently come across a new website for farmers, called Farmlinks, where they have taken the ‘over the fence yarn’ to an online platform.
Farmlinks is a brand new site where farmers can trade direct with each other. It’s been created by farmers, for farmers, and has been designed to provide access to be better deals, wider choice and more opportunities.

Check it out at www.farmlinks.co.nz

Proudly introducing Stepping Out’s fresh new website & logo!


Proudly introducing Stepping Out’s fresh new website & logo!

Stepping Out came to JFM, looking for a new unique sense of style for their and logo and website.

The result – a bright, modern, and funky logo and website showcasing the latest shoe styles and trends.

We’d love to talk about what we can do for you. From brand repositioning and refreshing, right through photography, print advertising, and strategic marketing plans – click and commence your advertising and marketing journey with JFM today…

Click here to view the Stepping Out website or click here to view the Stepping Out JFM Portfolio

Profile Project – Ashburton Baptist Preschool

Website Design

Ashburton Baptist Preschool came to JFM, looking for a unique sense of style, setting them apart from competition, whilst instantly attracting young families.
The result – a bright, modern, and funky website, showcasing the preschools facilities and service offering. Of course, we had to do some onsite visits – ensuring the sandpits were full, the fish tanks were well cared for, and that playtime was exactly that!

We’d love to talk about what we can do for you. From brand repositioning and refreshing, right through photography, print advertising, and strategic marketing plans – give us a call.

Click here to view the Ashburton Baptist Preschool website

JFM E News June 2014 – Profile Project


Vendella International

Vendella International – a company, where service is number one!

JFM have recently completed and launched an e-commerce website for Vendella, showcasing their fantastic range of hospitality goods for the hospitality industry. The brief to JFM was to create something that integrated with Stock Management Software, Accounting Software, Marketing Software, that was content managed, visual, and easy to use for the end user. Well, here it is! We are pretty proud of the achievement and invite you to check it out by clicking here, whilst leaving you with this fantastic quote from the team at Vendella.

“We want to make it easier. We love to make the choices simpler, to supply items you need, make your daily tasks enjoyable…
We want you to love what we love – Hospitality.”

Click here to view the Vendella International website