JFM E News August 2014 – Client Success

Quigley Contracting – Celebrating 10 years in business

A milestone worth sharing. Quigley Contracting has recently celebrated their 10th year in business.

JFM wish to congratulate Quigley Contracting, and thank them for their continued support and business relationship. We can,t wait to be a part of the next 10 years, and look forward to seeing the business grow further.

Check out Quigley Contracting on Facebook or their website.

JFM E News August 2014 – Marketing Tip

Despite the fact that more Kiwis are buying online—and buying with their mobile devices—many Kiwi businesses aren’t taking that into account when it comes to their websites. And that’s costing them dearly, says a report from direct marketing and digital agency Twenty.

It says bad user experience cost Kiwi businesses over $1 billion in sales to overseas websites last year, a big chunk of the total $2.3 billion spent online by Kiwis for the year in total. And the damage might be worse this year, with the increase in online spending since this time last year twice as high for offshore than for local (17 percent more spent offshore, eight percent more spent locally).

52 percent of websites overseas are mobile-ready or responsive-designed, says the report, but just 28 percent of the websites of New Zealand organisations have been optimised.

Toiletries & cosmetics sector leads the way, with just over 50% optimised

Apart from Toiletries & cosmetics, for responsive design most sectors lag

Mobile readiness in the retail space

Organisations – N = 122

JFM E News July 2014 – Pantone Colour of the Month


Misted Yellow 14-0837

Misted Yellow is one of the Pantone Fall 2014 Color Trends.

It is a warm, soft, muted yellow that adds a touch of optimism. We will see this shade of yellow in various prints in fashion and in the interior design world.

What makes this color so wonderful for interiors, is that it is a soft, muted tone that still has a vibrancy to it. Misted Yellow still has an energy that isn’t overpowering or overwhelming in a space. Yellow can be a bit overpowering and too high energy for most people, but Misted Yellow’s more subtle shade will have consumers gravitating to this particular hue. It is a great shade of yellow for the walls or as an accent color.

JFM E News July 2014 – Marketing Tip


Why do customers leave?

5 Reasons Customers Leave

  1. 1% pass away
  2. 3% move
  3. 14% are lured by a competitor
  4. 14% are turned away by product or service dissatisfaction
  5. 68% leave because of poor attitude or indifference on the part of the service provider

Control what you can

 Salespeople have little control over the first four reasons why customers leave, which account for 32% of those that depart. But salespeople and business owners have complete control over at least 68% of the customers who leave.

As such, it’s in your best in your best interest to empower your employees to be engaged and encouraged to provide an outstanding customer experience.

9 Ways to Keep Them

Here are nine critical skills that will help you, and your reps, establish and maintain the right attitude with your customers — and keep them from jumping ship:

  1. Exceed expectations. Personalize your service. Instead of promising more than you can give, give more than you promise — under promise, over deliver. Deliver a “wow” customer experience.
  2. Always be available. Be there to serve customers whenever they need you to be there. The Internet has enabled companies to have a constant presence with their customers, “24/7.” Reliability and availability are vital. Make sure your customers know you are available on demand. Be involved in the same social media channels as your customers.
  3. Customize how you serve. Find or develop solutions that fulfill your individual customers’ specific needs. Successful salespeople customize their business relationships with customers. They pride themselves on their one-on-one interactions. These salespeople value the differences in customer needs and respond with customized solutions.
  4. Be easy to deal with. Make doing business with you easy and pleasurable. Assume the burden of relieving inevitable aggravations for your customers. Salespeople who exceed their customers’ expectations do so by creating hassle-free experiences.
  5. Put the customer first. Don’t wait for opportunities to present themselves. Seek them out. Give customers more than they expect.
  6. Resolve conflicts and solve problems. When conflicts arise, some salespeople have a tendency to deny them, debate them, shift responsibility for them, place blame for them, or hold their breath hoping they’ll go away. Top salespeople accept ownership of the problem, collaborate on a solution, and take on the burden of finding a resolution regardless of fault.
  7. Handle complaints. Complaints usually have some validity and can be an “early warning system” of conflict on the horizon. When you view complaints this way, they can become your ally, helping you resolve problems and minimize their impact. Complaints that go unattended may evolve into conflicts that could have been avoided.
  8. Communicate constantly. Ask questions that result in a dialogue. The more the customer talks, the more you’ll learn. Continue questioning until you understand and have uncovered all the information required to proceed. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions with customers.
  9. Remember nonverbal communication. When communicating with customers, observe their non-verbal signals. Take note of their body language, appearance and posture. Look for signs of distraction. Pay attention to their facial expressions and eye contact. Listen to the tone of their voice as a means for understanding what they may be feeling.

JFM E News July 2014 – JFM Update


Volkswagen – Eyes on the Road

Following on from our note on the Marketing Association’s Digital Day Out conference last month, we found this advert – using the technology we learnt about. Its amazing how the technology is being used to immerse the viewer in the brand message, and how effective it really is.

Last week, we also attended another Marketing Association conference in Christchurch on SEO (search engine optimization). Did you know, that 95% of Kiwis and Australians use Google weekly? Imagine life without it now. Perhaps you want your website to be showing on the first results page for Google? We are all guilty of clicking those first few results, and it shows, that SEO is invaluable to your site performance. Give us a shout to learn more. Regular updates to your website can make the world of difference. We will also leave you with this video on SEO for a parting thought.

JFM E News July 2014 – Font of the Month


Clavo Font Family

Clavo is a multipurpose font family.

Its warmth comes from subtle details, classical proportions and traditional forms, while harmonious structure prevents distraction while reading. This makes Clavo a universal typeface. In all sizes, from caption to display.
The family consists of ten weights. They were not created in a linear way. The steps between the weights were adjusted carefully to avoid a mechanical graduation, in favor of optical harmony.
Clavo covers all latin languages. It contains a wide set of numerals, small capitals, fractions and other OpenType goodies. And of course every weight comes with matching italics

JFM E News July 2014 – Client Success


Peter May Ltd

The local canvas fabricator has worked for Peter May Ltd since 2011 and was named Apprentice of the Year in tier two, and also the overall winner of Apprentice of the Year 2014. Travis was presented his prize in Auckland in June, by Janet Lane, CEO of MITO (Motor Industry Training Organisation). Mrs. Lane acknowledged the very high level of award entries in the category and commended Travis for his attention to detail in his entry – a travel bag with a sewn in lining and leather tag. For Peter May Ltd, this is the third apprentice of the year award, with others winning in 2002 & 2005, and is an outstanding reflection on their quality workmanship and business operation.

JFM E News July 2014 – Brand Presentation


How to build a great brand – BNI Presentation.

At BNI a couple of weeks ago, it was JFM’s turn to present “How to build a GREAT brand” in a fun and memorable way. We can’t thank enough, our helpful landscaper, Leen Braam of Braam Landscapes Unlimited. Take a look and let us know your thoughts.

What is BNI you say?
BNI is a business and professional networking organisation that allows only one person from each profession to join any group or chapter. It is a business and professional referral organisation whose primary purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals and develop word-of-mouth marketing techniques. Perhaps networking is what is missing in your marketing mix? Give us a call for some more information.

Profile Project – Ashburton Baptist Preschool

Website Design

Ashburton Baptist Preschool came to JFM, looking for a unique sense of style, setting them apart from competition, whilst instantly attracting young families.
The result – a bright, modern, and funky website, showcasing the preschools facilities and service offering. Of course, we had to do some onsite visits – ensuring the sandpits were full, the fish tanks were well cared for, and that playtime was exactly that!

We’d love to talk about what we can do for you. From brand repositioning and refreshing, right through photography, print advertising, and strategic marketing plans – give us a call.

Click here to view the Ashburton Baptist Preschool website