A nod to the ’60s and ’70s…


Pantone 5-1340 Cadmium Orange

A nod to the ’60s and ’70s, PANTONE 15-1340 Cadmium Orange evokes a sentiment of optimism, fun and fantasy.

Both playful and sophisticated in its appeal, Cadmium Orange is a warm, welcoming and subtly dramatic orange shade that is striking enough to stand on its own or act as a bold contrast.



Its clean and soft…


Font of the month – Nephrite

Nephrite is a typeface created by Paul Chen and published by Nine Font.

Its clean and soft family of 14 styles, 7 weights and italics. Recommended for text, magazine, book, logo and brandings.


Stenciled and incomplete typography


Stenciled and incomplete typography

Stencils have re-emergence in the logo world.

Letterforms were originally cut in this way to prevent a paint stencil from falling apart. In brand production however, this is virtually never an issue. A stencil is utilitarian, down-to-earth, for-the-people and gives a nod to printing as a craft. These qualities are ones any logo designer should have in their back pocket.


Word-of-mouth marketing…


Word-of-mouth marketing…

“Word-of-mouth marketing has always been important. Today, it’s more important than ever because of the power of the Internet.” 

– Joe Pulizzi & Newt Barrett


Facebook marketing tips…

Facebook marketing tips to help grow your reach…

Know your Facebook audience
Use Facebook Insights to find out the demographic breakdown of your audience. This data is useful as it gives you insight about content that resonates the most with your audience, and what communication style your audience responds to the best.

Don’t focus on selling on Facebook
One of the main reasons why Facebook is changing its algorithm is because more and more businesses are posting sales-driven content, as opposed to resourceful content that will provide value to their audience. Facebook is trying to steer away from this model, as they want to make Facebook’s user experience more enjoyable. Therefore, if businesses are prompted to change their Facebook marketing strategy, there will be more valuable content given to their audiences.

Post your best content on Facebook
Facebook wants people to see only the best content on their News Feed. Which means that in order for a business to see engagement on their posts, choose content that has been successful on other social media channels or your business’ content marketing platform. Content that has the most retweets, clicks, and traffic will more likely also do well on Facebook (and remember the golden rule: the best content is the content that provides your followers value).

Empower your employees to engage with your Facebook page
One of the simplest way to increase your Facebook organic reach is to empower your employees to engage with your Facebook page. The more engagement, likes, shares, clicks, your Facebook posts receive the more you can increase your Facebook organic reach.

Don’t forget to respond
If you want to receive engagement on your Facebook Page, you need to also engage with your audience. If you receive a comment, reply to that comment; if you receive a post on your business Page, reply back to that post. Adding the human touch can help your Facebook presence drastically.


Busy and exciting start to the month…


Busy and exciting start to the month…

It has been a busy and exciting start to the month here at JFM, with both Jo and Hayden getting married.

It was with great pleasure the JFM team were able to send Hayden off on leave to marry his beautiful best friend, and Jo to marry her dashing best friend. Jo and Hayden both were able to leave as “bride and groom chiller” we only hoped they would have stayed like this until the big day. Congraulations Jo and Hayden. We now have both newly weds back in action and ready to work with you and your marketing needs.


A signage project that ‘moooooooves…


A signage project that ‘moooooooves’…

JFM has recently undertaken a signage project that ‘moooooooves’ all around the South Island.

Woodley’s Transport, from Geraldine were in need of some vehicle signage that stood out from the rest – and matched their new long stock truck.

Check out our video here, of the process, workings behind and the finished result.


Inspired by Ashburton Intermediate

Inspired by Ashburton Intermediate

Late last year we were honoured to be asked by Darren Butler, a gifted teacher from Ashburton Intermediate, if we could find time to talk about marketing and design with a few students in relation to a unique project the school was working on.
The possibility of our professional experience being useful to local young minds is rewarding enough, but we were inspired to do as much as we could once Darren explained the “real world” nature of the project, which involved teams of students working  together over the term to develop, manufacture and market a product which would be sold at a Market Day. 
JFM Senior Designer Nik Sweeney initially spoke with the students about fundamental aspects of good logo, packaging and poster design. Cue: blank stares as to how any adult could get so excited about colours. But with some expert coaxing from Darren, a question and answer session soon revealed that some students had a real gift for the marketing and advertising concepts behind the design. One young lady even raised her hand and confidently asked what she should be studying now to get into marketing. True story. Her JFM business cards are being printed as we speak.
To our delight, Darren reported that the students felt they had learned a lot from our presentation. We were even asked to continue our involvement with the project by “judging” the resulting posters, packaging and stall designs. Easier said than done. Upon seeing the clear effort each student team had put into the design and marketing of their products, it became apparent that picking the best of the bunch was going to come down to tiny degrees of difference. With such a close race we felt the only fair reward was an Olympic medal system. The resulting gold, silver and bronze certificates included an explanation of what unique efforts we recognised and made the entry more successful than the competition. 
Visiting the Ashburton Intermediate Market Day itself was a heartwarming revelation. Each team had developed a product based on a different country and the students had entered into the spirit of the event by dressing to match their product. The stall decorations were outstanding and the quality of the student sales people would put any Melbourne or London market to shame. The only fault Nik could find was that he arrived too late to sample all the international foods.
The stalls, happy students, cheerful noise and (no doubt sugar fuelled) atmosphere had visitors totally engrossed in the experience. By all accounts, the culmination of the project was a great success for the students and teachers. Here’s the final word from Darren Butler;
“Thank you for your time and effort as it has made it extra special having a professional give some insight about marketing and critique their hard work.  The event was more successful than anticipated with food selling out by 12.30 (and we had a lot at the start) and many of the stalls just about selling out also (must have been that great marketing advice).  We made about $4600 towards Ashburtion’s cancer society + Cole Beeman raising a similar amount by himself to shave his head, so hugely successful. Thankyou and the team.”

One Month already down…

One Month already down already

2015 feels like its going to be an action packed year, full of new and exciting marketing and strategic projects.
We hope you had a safe and happy holiday season, and welcome you back to another year. January and February are great months to plan any marketing projects for the year ahead and set new goals and objectives. Whether its signage for the upcoming agricultural shows, or help with your strategic direction and brand identity, the JFM team are on board and ready to support. Our goal for 2015 is to be more proactive and responsive to your needs, and will be out and about visiting you more regularly – so put that coffee order in!
Wishing you all the best for another successful year. Talk soon.

Peter May – Ruralco Marketing Excellence Award 2014

Peter May – Ruralco Marketing Excellence Award 2014

Marketing execution pays off. Toni and Peter May have recently been awarded the Marketing Excellence Award for 2014 at the Annual Ruralco Awards Dinner.

Toni says that, “Because so many small businesses are so busy doing what they do and most don’t have the expertise to understand initially these concepts, we were helped along by local marketing firm Jo Foster Marketing (JFM).

Jo and her team have drawn us into this millennium and assisted us to embrace new technology and concepts we wouldn’t have had the knowledge or confidence to try.

They have helped to give us a good understanding of brand concepts and helped us to keep focus and track our marketing goals.”